A 9/11-Wilhelm Reich-Nikola Tesla BS Nexus| Vol. 3 / No. 4.1


A new find this week in crazy.


This is a whole new kind of crazy for me, and you better believe it’s a weird one. Over at r/skeptic yesterday, user salimfadhley explained how he’d recently run into a special kind of 9/11 truthers:

I was exiting the PATH station near the World Trade Centre plaza yesterday – there were a bunch of guys playing loud video from a laptop. It was obviously some kind of 911 conspiracy theory movie. The usual sort of guff about how building 7 must have been a controlled demolition. I took the offered pamphlet and shoved it into my pocket unread.

When I got home I was surprised and delighted to note that this wasn’t just any kind of 911 conspiracy BS – but an awesome BS nexus in which a misunderstanding of the events surrounding 911 are viewed through the cracked lens of Orgone theory and the legend of Nikola Tesla.

I don’t know if you read my post on Wilhelm Reich, but I strongly recommend you go back and take a look. While Reich himself was, in my opinion, a man worthy of pity, these folks are — well, perhaps they are too. They’re probably nuts, possibly in need to professional help. They’ve taken 9/11 conspiracies, mixed in a little of Reich’s poor delusions of grandeur about an invisible life force, and added in bizarre connections to the brilliant (and near the end of his life mentally ill) Tesla.

Long story short, these guys think 9/11 causes cancer (it doesn’t), that Reich could cure cancer (he couldn’t), and that there’s a host of free cancer cures that are being covered up because reasons (there aren’t), just like Tesla’s free unlimited energy generation was covered up (it wasn’t). Anyway, I’m sure they’d say this is just what “the man” is telling me to say, so without further analysis, here’s the photos, courtesy of /u/salimfadhley .




Happy Monday, everyone.


Richard Ford Burley is a doctoral candidate in English at Boston College, where he’s writing about remix culture and the processes that generate texts in the Middle Ages and on the internet. In his spare time he writes about science, skepticism, and feminism (and historical pseudoscientists) here at This Week In Tomorrow.